Friday 3 May, 2013

your death anniversary my angel (angel who was fake)

today is complete one year since you stopped playing imaginary role in my life by showing yourself you might had also guessed from our after  your death episode talks (as you talking to me as if it's your father talking with me) that i never believed you are dead and from your way of talking my doubt had became solid many times and i had mentioned it to you as well but i couldn't think of a reason that why you would play such game with me who gave you nothing but unconditional love..i don't feel any anger, hatred or anything towards you anymore don't know why..i guess you are some real sick guy and that you want to be buried in tillamook rock lighthouse but i would pray that you won't be buried over there ever coz that place seems haunted to me and i don't want you to be haunting after death coz though perhaps you don't know but right now as well you are kind of a hunted soul..if you are really suffering then i am sorry to say this but if you played with me then please do give my thought a deep thinking and you would realize that i am so very true and there is nothing but truth in my talks..i found out your truth after i visited our religious place mahakaleshwar in november last year and there i had wished god to free your soul from that haunted lighthouse and perhaps god listened to me because of that i knew you are not dead, i felt cheated again but i was happy that you are not dead and you are not there in that hunted lighthouse..if you are really sick and would die soon then i will still pray as i had prayed in our religious place during my visit in november that your ashes somehow reaches here and flown to river ganga so as your soul could get real content in the end and so as you shouldn't play with a heart who is filled with nothing but unconditional love in your next birth..GBU THAASTU (means amen in your words)

Tuesday 7 August, 2012

it's my angel's birthday today

it's your birthday today angel and i wish you were here to celebrate  it with me, you know how much i love you so no matter you are physically there with me or not but you are there with me in my heart all the time..i love you angel, i love you so very very very much

Saturday 24 March, 2012

Without Disguise

What else can I do
To make you see just me, 
For you to realize
There's no place I'd rather be.

But in your loving arms
Held close each night,
To pull you into me
And hold you to me tight.

Wherever in this world
Your own heart may go,
My soul will follow you
For I truly love you so.

Do I need to give
My very life to you
Or save your very soul
To prove that I am true?

Need I leap over buildings
Or part the wild seas,
Need i drop down
And beg you on my knees?

Look beyond your doubts,
Beyond logic and sanity,
Look deep inside  yourself
And find your love for me.

I am right here
Before your very eyes,
I am who I am,
I am without disguise.

I am a woman whole
Who loves but only you.
I'd give up my life to you
To prove that I am true.

Tuesday 28 February, 2012


my angel

You don’t choose who you fall for. You just fall and you get this person who is all wrong, but yet so right. You know that you like them so much, except sometimes they drive you insane and no one can explain.

Monday 27 February, 2012

consoling myself

Just because someone doesn't love you  the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

Sunday 26 February, 2012

unconditional love

Apologizing does not always mean that you are wrong & the other person 
is right. It just means that you value your relationship more than your ego.

Wednesday 25 January, 2012

i love you daddy

i am missing you so much. i never really got the chance to show how much you meant to me and i didn't realize it until it was too late. i love you much. i am so sorry  for all the pain that i caused you and all the heartache that you had to go through. i just wish that i could hug you and hold you one last time. i am feeling like i am going to die soon but what will happen of my mother if i am also gone, just promise me daddy that you will help me through this.