Wednesday 12 October, 2011

100 things a woman would die for

1. Kiss her
2. Hug her
3. Love her
4. Hold her
5. Trust her
6. Advice her 
7. Support her
8. Impress her 
9. Surprise her 
10. Smile to her

11. Fight for her
12. Plan with her
13. Flirt with her 
14. Don’t test her
15. Share with her
16. Kiss her hands 
17. Travel with her 
18. Don’t lie to her
19. Dance with her 
20. Dream with her

21. Hold her hands 
22. Understand her 
23. Make her laugh 
24. Tease her softly 
25. Walk beside her 
26. Buy her flowers 
27. Touch her softly 
28. Take her opinion 
29. Help her cleaning 
30. Make her feel safe 

31. Be romantic to her 
32. Negotiate with her
33. Spoil her a little bit 
34. Go movies with her 
35. Believe in her brain 
36. Share her problems 
37. Spend time with her 
38. Be creative with her
39. Go with her shopping 
40. Open the door for her 

41. Have privacy with her
42. Take her out clubbing
43. Use the eye contact
44. Have her in your arms 
45. Do not promise but do
46. Be always proud of her 
47. Don’t make her jealous 
48. Dress her up sometimes 
49. Give her a foot massage 
50. Make her feel important

51. Mention how cute she is
52. Cook for her sometimes
53. Go to the beach with her 
54. Don’t let people interfere
55. Mention how sexy she is 
56. Do not underestimate her 
57. Use your emotions in sex
58. Make her breakfast in bed 
59. Make yearly anniversaries
60. She is the one and the only

61. Don’t push her to do things 
62. Talk to her about the future 
63. Have confidence in your self 
64. Take memory photos with her
65. Do grocery shopping with her 
66. Don’t ask her if she loves you
67. Warm her up when she is cold
68. Mention her beauty all the time 
69. Take her out for romantic dinner 
70. Tell her how much you miss her

71. Kiss her forehead and her cheeks 
72. Don’t mention your past relations 
73. Respect her friends and her family 
74. Refresh your relation every month 
75. Get to know her family and friends 
76. Use your lips to bite her neck softly 
77. Be jealous for her from time to time
78. Give her some space with her friends
79. Balance between her and your family
80. Hug her closely to feel her heart beats 

81. Keep telling her how young she looks
82. Say I Love You every time you see her 
83. When she gets her period make her relax
84. Play with her hair softly before she sleeps 
85. Get her small cute things it makes her happy
86. Give her a night romantic massage regularly 
87. Count to 10 before you say anything negative 
88. Put your hands around her while watching TV
89. Make her a hot bath and take a shower with her 
90. Be there for her even if she doesn’t need your help 

91. Tell her how lucky you are because you are with her
92. If she is cold give her your jacket and hug her closely
93. Watch her diet without hurting her or making her notice
94. Make her feel she is the most beautiful woman on earth 
95. Thank God and her for being born during your life time 
96. Make her a drink when you both alone and light some candles 
97. Whisper in her ears that you love her when you are with people out 
98. A couple of missed calls a day to show her that she is in your mind
99. If you don’t like something just tell her kindly and she will understand 
100. Write her something cute on a piece of paper and put it somewhere she can see first in the morning

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